Online Quiz Management System

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Aug 4, 2022

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Sometimes there is a lot of critical situations that needs to be handled as possibly, Some of the latest critical situations include the COVID-19. This situations all the world became silence and there were not any place to visit or go, These places include educational places where students and others didn't get to attend their classes as they were taking their classes virtually means as an online. However, when an exam time comes it was very difficult to take exams because of not attending the classes, and it's important to take exams in order to examine the students performances, this is why we have developed this excellent system to cover such that demands in the educational fields.

The System allows educational institutions to easily take and manage quizzes from the students, even other organizations can use the system to take a surveys and etc.

The system is developed by a professional Python developers and it's free from bugs with a high performance.

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  • 📁 Online Quiz Management System

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